New Online Spreadsheet for Genealogical Data Needs Your Input

A new spreadsheet has been created which can help to gather important data for each of your (our) family members. Please check Telegram and look for the link to the spreadsheet. It is cloud-based and can easily be edited and automatically saves with each keystroke. There are a maximum of 14 elements of data that can be provided in this spreadsheet per family member. It was meant to be and is a very easy task.

The information that you provide in this spreadsheet will eventually go into the database and the web application located on the genealogy page. We all hold pieces of this puzzle in our hands. If we collaborate and work together we can fill in the gaps and put together something that generations after us will appreciate and build upon.

Grewalius Is Now Live!

The website is finished and is now ready to be revealed to the family. However, the data is far from complete. I hope that you can help me tell the story of our family so that we can piece together the puzzle. I am confident that if we all contribute some knowledge, we can have a very satisfying result. If you would like to contribute some data, please go to the Contribute page and have a look. Any information that you can provide will be greatly appreciated by not just me, but by our entire family (past, present, and future).

Grewalius Theme and Site Look Complete

After a long delay (which was partly caused by many other pending projects), this website now has a look and feel. The genealogy database and the application had been installed and tested for quite some time. However, the site lacked an identity and individuality until now. The next plans are to add more pages, finalize the database layer and application layer functionality and go live.