Harkishan Singh Grewal

Music: “Farewell” by Tan Dun & Yo Yo Ma

The story of our family does not go much further back than with Kishan Singh Grewal. I recently learned while in Bathinda, that his actual name was Harkishan Singh Grewal. He ended up in the Philippines. It is hard to believe that he would leave his pregnant wife for such a life-altering move.

After speaking about the probabilities about what may have happened, my Dad and I realized that he may have been kidnapped or forced from his home by the British who were in power in India at the time. It was common for the Britishers to abduct people and then put them onto ships where they would travel to a new land as forced labor.

The truth may never be uncovered, but with this website and a collective effort, I feel that we are not as far from discovering the truth as we may perceive…